
While sales tax holidays have been politically popular for a long time, they’ve seen a boost with lawmakers in several states this year as a way to share unanticipated surpluses with taxpayers. Although state budgets may be in unusual places this year, sales tax holidays remain the same as they always have been—ineffective and inefficient.
Under a territorial tax system, multinational businesses primarily pay taxes to the countries in which they are physically located and earn their income. This means that territorial tax regimes do not generally tax the income companies earn in foreign countries. A worldwide tax system, on the other hand—such as the system previously employed by the
In the United States, tobacco is taxed at both the federal and state and sometimes even local levels. These layers of taxes often result in very high levels of taxation—the highest of any consumer item. The retail price of cigarettes, for instance, is more than 40 percent taxes on average. In some states, like Minnesota
Job creation tax credits. Investment tax credits. Research and development tax credits. Payroll withholding tax rebates. Property tax abatements. Those are just five of the major categories of tax incentives states offer with the goal of encouraging new investment and economic development in their state. Nearly all states offer at least one of those major
As Congress considers turning the $579 billion bipartisan infrastructure deal and President Joe Biden’s $2.2 trillion American Jobs Plan (AJP) into legislative text, policymakers may consider using additional tax revenue generated from infrastructure spending to offset the plans’ deficit impact. Applying dynamic scoring to the spending side of the proposals would only generate a small
Thin capitalization occurs when companies finance investments and operations through a level of debt far higher than their level of equity. High-tax countries create an incentive for companies to finance investments with debt because interest payments are tax-deductible, while the costs associated with equity financing are most often not. Some multinational corporations take advantage of
When you file your taxes, you may discover that you owe money to the government. If it’s a large sum of money, you might find you are unable to pay it right away. If you find yourself in this situation, it is strongly advised that you sign up for an IRS payment plan to avoid
The IRS issued the first round of monthly payments for the Child Tax Credit last week on July 15. Families who are eligible for the credit based on their most recently filed tax return received the payments via direct deposit or paper check. Monthly payouts will continue throughout the rest of the year with families
The Biden administration has proposed to significantly increase the tax burden on foreign income through a policy known as Global Intangible Low-Tax Income (GILTI). While the administration’s rhetoric focuses on doubling the tax rate on GILTI from 10.5 percent to 21 percent, this is less than half the story. The rate on GILTI is going
Businesses’ tax liability can differ markedly across states, and policymakers often pay attention to this competitive tax landscape. What is less often remarked upon, however, is the variation of tax treatment within a given state. Different industries and activities can face radically different tax burdens within the same state due to non-neutralities in the tax
Today, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D), Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D), and Sen. Cory Booker (D) released their discussion draft—the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act—for federal descheduling of marijuana. While federal descheduling impacts all states, it does not deschedule marijuana in states which choose to keep their own ban. Nevertheless, descheduling would
File a tax return extension for the first time this year? Here are a few things to consider before the Oct. 15 extension deadline. 1. E-file for a faster refund. If you believe you’ll receive a refund after filing, the quickest way to get your money is to e-file your return using a trusted tax