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Gary Szatkowski, who was a top federal forecaster in New Jersey during Hurricane Sandy, called out New York politicians for suggesting that forecasters were unable to predict the times and intensity of Ida‘s threats. “The politicians are wrong,” Szatkowski said during a Friday evening interview on CNBC’s “The News with Shepard Smith.”  ”There was a lot
Key Findings The Biden administration’s budget proposals have several provisions focused on raising taxes on the U.S. fossil fuel industry. These proposals largely depart from neutral tax policy and intentionally target the industry. Internal Revenue Service data does not indicate any substantial tax preference for the fossil fuel industry, rather indicating the industry pays relatively
A major investment bank is avoiding Chinese stocks, but buying its bonds. J.P. Morgan’s Joyce Chang believes the country’s regulation crackdown is heating up and will create downward pressure on major market groups and industries. “We really recommended [investors] to stay sidelined for the time being,” the firm’s chair of global research told CNBC’s “Trading
A woman waits in a line outside a temporary unemployment office in Frankfort, Kentucky in June. Bryan Woolston | Reuters Misty Todd has used unemployment benefits to pay bills since losing her convenience-store job in March last year.  But the 37-year-old Las Vegas resident is unsure how she’ll afford rent, groceries and essentials for her
VALERIE MACON | AFP | Getty Images Social Security will be able to pay full benefits for just another 12 years, according to new estimates released this week. Experts, however. say that does not mean you should dramatically change your Social Security claiming strategy. Each year, the Social Security Administration releases an annual trustees report
American Airlines flight 718, the first U.S. Boeing 737 MAX commercial flight since regulators lifted a 20-month grounding in November, takes off from Miami, Florida, December 29, 2020. Marco Bello | Reuters American Airlines and Alaska Airlines will no longer cover Covid-19 quarantine time for employees who aren’t vaccinated against the virus, the latest push